
Our training system helps to enhance professional skills. The effectiveness of the system was tested in the work of 27 Russian and foreign companies

Our programs

Courses, lectures, seminars, webinars
International Special Project
Intellectual tourism supported by Italian universities
Riddles Luke Pacioli
The riddles of Luca Pacioli - accounting in the homeland of its founder Sansepolcro, Tuscany, Italy September 2020
From idea to invention
Development of the scientific potential of citizens. Villa Nobile, Sanremo, Italy - October 2020
From a creative idea to a movie
From a creative idea to a film - the development of the creative potential of citizens Teatro Ariston Sanremo, Italy - November 2020

Umnik.Roma - program to support the scientific potential of young scientists in the field of economics and finance Rome, Italy, December 2020
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